Keep Your Data Safe

Cyber Hygiene

Welcome to this important video series
about how to keep your organization’s data safe.

Video 1: Hackers and How They Breach Your Computer

In this first video, we show you how easy it is for hackers to break into any computer.

Video 2: Threats that exist within your organization

In this second video, we look at the threats facing you from within your organization.

Video 3: What you can do to keep your organization safe

This final video is the most important. It covers how to keep your business data safe.

Cybersecurity threats to your business

 > Using outdated software, such as Windows 7 and Office 2010

 > Not applying regular security updates to modern software, such as Windows 10 and 11

 > Not using virus/malware protection

 > Using old and outdated IT equipment

 > Repeating or using simple, easy to guess passwords

 > Not using a password manager to generate long random passwords, and store them

 > Not using other security basics such as multi-factor authentication, where you generate a login code on another device

 > Using non-standard devices, such as smart TVs or other gadgets, on the company network

 > Not correctly configuring the remote access into your business. This gives remote access to your business systems. Get it wrong, and it’s like leaving the front door to your house wide open

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